Last update : 10/21/2006



This site created by ERNESTO FRANCINI collects studies and experiences in the nature field, with particular care to the Ornithology branch, without to disregard the aspects of an investigation based upon photographic image quality. Author hopes with these experiences to produce a proper contribution to anyone which for studies or pleasure it ‘s interested in nature aspects and birds world in particular.

The contents of the site will be periodically updated on the basis of studies and developed experiences.




The treated matters in this site are the followings:















You can access to these matters directly from the above list or using the      

upper navigation bar.



For a better vision of the site photos a soft light room is suggested



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The screen must be adjusted for low brightness and high contrast.






Vultur gryphus must not die





The published material (texts, photos and other) is private property and it’s issued for naturalistic educational purpose only. The publication of this material is admitted to anyone only with written permission of the author.